Space design plays a key role during the school day, but educator wellness begins before the school day starts. Goal setting, gratitude journaling and exercise can all play a role in bolstering energy and mindset leading into a school day especially after a thoughtful night of sleep.
Following a long and stressful day, it is important to have a community of individuals that can help you to process the day, let some of the stress go and place the difficult moments of the day into context. These can be colleagues at school or members of your support team beyond the school. This wellness strategy along with managing communication and email so that it ends at a scheduled time and getting the nutrients that your body needs each night are a key to this cycle of wellness.
During the school day, wellness can’t be just an act of subtraction. It requires proactive efforts to maintain and add to the right energy needed for effective and efficient teaching. Below are five learning space tips to contribute to an environment of wellness during the school day in your classroom.